Mama's big boned-ed, y'all.
(Mama is me, in case you didn't know)
I've been overweight since I was about 11. There are countless complaints I could attempt to innumerate like: listening to skinny bitches complain about how fat they are, listening to skinny bitches talk about their eating habits, listening to skinny bitches comment about how fat other skinny bitches are, and other things about skinny bitches.
However, instead of focusing on the more annoying, sometimes downright maddening, issues related to being a larger lady, I've decided to begin my blog commentary about life as a fat girl by discussing some of the brighter points of this life I've led.
Now, in case you're thinking, Lisa, you skinny bitch, you aren't fat! here's my statement of truth about my size: I've hovered between the heavy side of normal and the lower side of obese on the BMI chart for my height and fluctuated between the larger sizes in the women's section and the lower sizes in the WOMEN's section since high school. So, no, I'm not as large as some ladies, but I'm definitely not skinny.
Now, here are the perks I've experienced as a lady of size:
Two weeks ago, I was trying to not let a cat out of a friend's house, missed a concrete step while walking backwards and went crashing down on my derriere. Now, if I was a twig, I'm convinced I would have snapped in half. Instead, I landed with a buoyancy that let the rest of my body sort of float to the ground. I came away with only a sore rear end and not the concussion I surely would have had without my layer of fat. Cats and children also seem to enjoy the extra layer of love I carry around. It's good for napping, apparently.
Feeling Secure
Speaking of others who love the layers, don't forget men. Now, not every man likes a little cushion for the pushin', but the ones who do...really do. I don't think I'm really large enough to attract men who like the Big Beautiful Women, but, wow, those men really dig some bigger ladies. They seem to worship them with a fervor that you don't see in men who like your average size 6 woman.
Also, I've never worried that a man was only after me for my looks in the way that my blonde, size 2, model-like friend may have worried. I generally feel pretty confident that the men who are interested in me may find me attractive, but mostly they like my intelligence, humor or some other aspect of my personality. And I usually feel pretty confident that they are secure enough in their own manhood to date a woman who does not necessarily fit society's version of beauty.
Being a Ringer
Nobody expects the fat girl to be good at sports. So when you run a 10K, people give you a ton of support. And when you play volleyball, the other team doesn't usually expect you to be able to break serves or spike the ball. I've used this misconception about chunkiness to my advantage since I used to kick ass on the soccer field. Plus, I could knock the other girls down with a quick jab of my powerful hips if i wanted.
Singing (and Dancing) Along to "Bootylicious"
There are songs that skinny bitches will never fully understand. Destiny's Child's "Bootylicious" is my favorite of them all. In college, my best friend and I changed the lyrics to cause my body's too flab-ilicious for ya babe.
I shake my jelly at every chance
When I whip with my hips, you slip into a trance
I'm hoping you can handle all this jelly that I have[...]
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
Being Friends with Skinny Bitches
There's a lot of competition in the world of women. I don't think we always know what we're competing for, but we're doin' it. And doing it with all the passive aggressiveness we can muster, dammit. But the nice part of being flabby is that a lot of women do not view you as a threat when it comes to men. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think I've moved in and out of circles of female friends with much more ease than if I'd been a size 4 and hot. Everyone trusts the chubby girl!
Sure, plenty of people judge you when you're chubby and you order dessert at dinner even though everyone else in your party is doing the same. But at the same time, you got chubby for a reason: you allow yourself to actually eat (and maybe you go overboard sometimes). I watch some of my thinner friends count calories, workout tirelessly, and pull out their hair to remain thin. I've been there during times when I've tried to lose weight, and it can become all consuming and, frankly, can take some of the joy out of life. Not being as stringent with my food means that I can say yes to a request to meet someone for brunch or I can have a few beers. And, best of all, I'm not that whiny girl who clearly wants to eat a piece of cheesecake but just picks at it or stares at it longingly whilst drinking her ice water with cucumber for flavor.
The Boobs
This is probably my favorite part of being a chubby girl. When I lose weight, my boobs feel droopy and sad like all their friends the fat cells moved away and they can't seem to perk up from the loss. But when I'm a little chunkier, my breasts feel like two torpedoes ready to fire jiggly hotness in any second at the next man who glances at my decolletage.
And, finally...
You get to say big boned-ed.
Hey fellow chunky gals, what are some of the perks I left out?